Philippine Standard Time:

Curricular Offerings


(Modified K+12 Basic Education Curriculum)

I. Pre-School and Special Programs

  • Early Childhood Intervention  (ECI)  An individualized educational program focused on early language development and attention skills, offered to young CWHI ages 3 or below.
  • Pre   -Kindergarten A pre-requisite educational program for CWHI age 4, with lessons directed towards readiness skills prior to Kindergarten.
  • Literacy Class Course offering for adult beginners, ages 14 and above, focused on basic literacy skills in academics as well as vocational skills development.
  • Program for Children with Multiple Disabilities An individualized educational program for CWHI and those with multiple handicapping conditions with program emphasis on functional academics, behavioral management, self-care, and transition education.
  • Deafblind Program An individualized educational program for children with concomitant sensory loss (hearing and vision) focused on language development, low vision training, orientation and mobility, independent living skills and transition education.
  • Speech Program A unique feature of the school that caters to CWHI from Kindergarten to Grade III, with training for students to further develop and enhance their speech capabilities as well their speech-reading skills in addition to their basic speech lessons in class.

II. Elementary Education (Kindergarten to Grade 6)

III. Junior High School (Grade 7 to Grade 10)

IV. Senior High School (Grade 11 to Grade 12)

Exit educational programs focused on transition skills for graduating students with emphasis on functional curriculum in eight (8) vocational courses: (1) Computer Education, (2) Cosmetology, (3) Food Trades, (4) Garment Trades, (5) Graphic Arts, (6) Furniture & Cabinet Making, (7) Electricity and (8) Welding & Sheet Metal. Programs are initialized in Elementary, specialized in Junior High and culminated prior to graduation through the Apprenticeship Program wherein students experience the actual field of work.

The students at PSD enjoy various activities with the following organizations: Boy and Girl Scouts, Student Government Council, Art Club, Dance Troupe, Drum & Lyre Band and Sports Group.

Student Affairs & Service Center – provides assessment, counseling support, career orientation and other related services

Speech and Hearing Clinic – serves as a speech classroom and a clinic where free hearing tests for students and interested individuals are conducted

Library – offers educational references and other reading materials related to special education available for personnel, faculty and students. It houses audio-visual equipment and instructional materials to reinforce learning

Publicity and Research Center– provides public information through different forms of media in the school’s vision to improve the education of children with hearing impairment

Dormitory – provides free board and lodging to indigent students residing in areas far from school during school days.

Medical Clinic – offers medical assistance and basic health services for the faculty, staff and students.



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